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Revealed: 2/3 of Brits NEVER clean their jewellery

According to recent UK survey data, the majority of Brits aren’t cleaning their jewellery.

We conducted a survey of 2,000 Brits which reveals that 66% never clean their jewellery – something that experts recommend should be cleaned every six months.

Only 8% answered that they clean their jewellery the advised every six months, whereas 6% and 5% answered that they do every year and weekly, respectively.

Our hands can have anywhere from 100,000 to a few million germs living on them – while you may wash your hands whenever you’ve been to the loo or when you’re prepping food, have you ever thought about how you’re missing the objects that can attract the most germs? Soft metals used in jewellery are porous and can harbour bacteria, so you should pay attention to keeping them clean.

Men are the worst for never cleaning their jewellery

According to survey data, 31% of women never clean their jewellery in comparison to 36% of men. While still a shockingly low figure, 6% of women clean their jewellery every six months in comparison to only 2% of men – which is extremely low.

Throughout history, men adorned gold and jewels, while today both men and women are seen wearing rings, necklaces, and bracelets. However, it seems while jewellery is becoming a popular domain for everyone looking to upgrade their outfits, not everyone is maintaining their precious jewels. Not only does cleaning your jewellery keep it sparkling but it also removes sweat, dirt, and any other buildup that is robbing your diamonds of their shine.

Only 2% of over 65s clean their jewellery twice a year – the amount recommended by experts

Only 1.85% of those 65 years and older clean their jewellery every six months, which was the largest proportion of all age groups. 16% of those over the age of 65 never clean their jewellery in comparison to 6% of 18-24-year-olds and 12% of 35-44-year-olds.

clean your jewellery

How to clean your jewellery the right way with these 5 expert tips

There’s no time like the present, and what better time of the year to start cleaning your jewellery properly than spring? Neil Dutta, Managing Director at Angelic Diamonds, offers 5 tips to clean your jewellery and keep it in tip-top condition all year round.

1.    Use mild dish soap to remove a build-up of germs

You don’t need to splash out on specialist cleaning products for your jewellery. Luckily, you can grab some household items you have lying around to get your metals shining as good as new. We recommend cleaning your jewellery pieces once a month for ultimate shine.

Mild dish soap is your jewellery’s best friend, even for fine jewellery and expensive engagement rings. Mild soap is tough enough to remove germs without causing any damage to the metals and stones. Simply mix some soap into warm water and use a clean, soft toothbrush to very gently buff away any buildup and debris. Rinse and pat the jewellery dry with a lint-free cloth.

You can do this for both gold and silver jewellery.

2.    Try white vinegar and baking soda to lift dirt

This is a great mixture for cleaning almost anything. All you need is half a cup of white vinegar with two tablespoons of baking soda. Mix together and allow your jewellery to soak for around five minutes so any dirt is lifted easily. Again, you can use a soft clean toothbrush to gently remove any stubborn marks. Just rinse your jewellery in cold water and pat dry when finished.

This mixture is safe for gold and silver jewellery.

3.    Avoid soaking pearl jewellery when cleaning

When cleaning pearl jewellery, it's important not to soak it, as this can weaken the string and cause it to break. Instead, you should use a small, soft makeup brush to gently buff off any dirt with warm, soapy water. Using something like a mild shampoo is recommended to bring your pearls to life.

Rinse them off with clean water and pat them dry.

4.    Get your jewellery professionally cleaned

Getting your pieces professionally inspected and cleaned every six months is a great way to ensure longevity and ultimate sparkle. The results are worth it, especially for expensive and sentimental pieces.

Remove discolouration from tarnished costume jewellery

5.    Remove discolouration from tarnished costume jewellery with a salt and baking soda solution

If your jewellery is less expensive than precious metals and gemstones, then you should clean it in a different way to avoid damage.

Place your tarnished jewellery on some tin foil with the shiny side up in a dish. With a mixture of one tablespoon salt, one tablespoon baking soda, and a cup of warm water in the dish, let your jewellery soak for several minutes while the chemical reaction removes the discolouration. Rinse with cold water and pat dry with a clean cloth.

Expert advice to maintain your jewellery day-to-day

There are things you can do in between cleans to reduce any impact on your jewellery:

  • Remove jewellery before washing hands, showering, or swimming – this helps to prevent any soap dulling the shine of your jewellery or harsh chemicals interfering with the integrity of your stones.
  • Wipe pearls of oil and sweat from your body – pearls are porous and hold onto grime easily.
  • Wear silver jewellery instead of having it sit in your jewellery box – wearing silver helps it stay shiny and reduces tarnishing.
  • Avoid leaving jewellery in sunlight where the colour of gemstones can become dull.
  • Don’t apply lotions or perfume when wearing jewellery – wear your jewellery when your skin is dry and any lotions have thoroughly soaked in.

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